DataArt - Przeglądaj Wszystko Oferty pracy w Polska lub opublikuj ofertę pracy. Wolne stanowiska, wakaty.DataArt is a custom software development firm that builds advanced solutions for the financial services, healthcare, hospitality and other industries. Combining domain knowledge with offshore cost advantages and resource flexibility, DataArt develops industry-defining applications, helping clients optimize time-to-market and minimize software development risks in mission-critical systems.
With an unrivaled talent pool of highly skilled software engineers in New York, London, Russia and Ukraine, DataArt provides the technical skill, accountability and industry knowledge needed to deliver custom applications on time and on budget.
DataArt clients include Standard & Poor’s, Harmonic Fund Services, artnet, Panasonic, Cancer Research, Charles River Laboratories, Betfair, Misys, leading asset management firms and three of the top ten investment banks.
Custom Software Development,
Financial Software Development,
Mobile Application Development,
Financial Services Software,
Travel and Hospitality Software Solutions,
Medical Software Development,
Cloud Computing Technology,
Healthcare Software Development